Anyone have rear spring problem?Last time,when i drive alone back home,i noticed that my rear spring is too soft.When cornering,the mudguard touch my rear tyres and feel so bumpy inside my car.During lunch hour after visiting my client,i decided to stop by to a shop at paka to ask about the spring or adjustable absorber(even i does not have that much budget to get the adjustable absorber.huhu).The guy at the workshop suggested to me that Proton Perdana spring is suitable with SAGA BLM because it have small diameter at the bottom and bigger at the top.To get the spring,i have to wait for my monthly salary.So i decided to hold on to the next month.When i arrived home,i went to my cousin's house.He own a Perdana and just a few week after changing his stock spring to adjustable absorbers.When i ask about his stock spring,he just give to me the stock spring for FREE!!!Thanks bro!!Jasamu Dikenang!!haha..
Now,after a few month of installing the Perdana spring to the rear or my car,it feels so comfortable..No more Sagat with mudguard,no more bumpy feel when cornering!!The conclusion is,our stock spring is not hard enough even when i bring my little brothers in my car,it still sagat.Proton should change spring of the BLM to harder one because BLM is most likely bought as a family car and if a family car cannot carry the load of the family,what the use of making a family car.